September 28, 2007

Relocation Expenses

I think it's time for the United States to write one last check to the United Nations. The memo line on the check should read: U.S. lease not renewed, for relocation expenses only.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denies the Holocaust ever happened. His country, AS WE SPEAK, is supplying weapons and ammunition to insurgents in Iraq to kill American troops. Ahmadinejad was also brazen enough to tell the entire world that the issue of his controversial nuclear program is "closed" for discussion.

About this same time last year, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez used the United Nations' stage to call our democratically elected leader the "devil." Even Bush's harshest critics defended him ... "You don't come into my country; you don't come into my congressional district and you don't condemn my president," said Rep. Charles Rangel, D-New York. Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (minority leader at the time) even called Chavez "an everyday thug."

Why we give dictators and promoters of terror a world stage in the city of the worst terrorist attack in history is beyond me!!!

September 21, 2007

The REAL infidels!!!

Wow!!! I thought it was beyond bad taste of The New York Times to publish an ad by last week portraying Iraq ground commander Gen. David Petraeus as a traitor. He's a hero not a traitor!!!

The New York Times is so BIASED, they gave the group a HUGE discount to run the ad. Instead of paying the regular $181,692, MoveOn paid ... GET THIS -- only $65,000 for the full-page ad bashing someone who does NOT deserve to be compared to Benedict Arnold!

After reading today that The New York Times editorial board will host the ever so hateful Iranian president Ahmadinejad for lunch at the Four Seasons hotel on Monday, I got sick to my stomach! The real "infidels" seem to be the folks at The New York Times.

I love this quote about the whole ordeal:
"That is like hosting Adolf Hitler to lunch in 1940," said Dave Bossie of Citizens United.

September 10, 2007

Dumb smartwater?

Thirty years ago we drank tap water and survived. Today, the bottled water industry sucks us dry as we shell out $2 a pop for a bottle of smartwater. Is this dumb or what? Am I the only one looking for a water fountain? My guess is the bottled water industry lobbies the construction industry to NOT add water foundations into new building designs. Just a dumb smart thought about where all the water fountains have gone!

September 7, 2007

Presidential Campaigns, Consultants and Scarecrows

I'm tired of the '08 rat race already! I don't think presidential hopefuls/wannabees should be allowed to campaign or fund raise until the year of the election. Since our national election day is in November, I think hearing from candidates beginning in January is PLENTY of time for us to make up our minds about them!
Since Americans seemingly have short-term memories anyway, six or seven months is more than enough time for candidates to duke it out for their party's nomination ... leaving us with a good two months to make one of two choices.
It doesn't take me two or three years to make a sound decision. I do enough research on the Internet, and watch both CNN and Fox News to make a sound decision in days, not years.
It's not like we have to write an essay on election day. It's a multiple choice test!
Granted, campaigning employs a lot of consultants ... but I'd rather hear what the candidates actually have to say sans the consultant-recommended, politically correct sound bites of spin. :)

Presidential candidates these days are right out of the Wizard of Oz. They're scarecrows who need brains ... or at the very least, should use their own! After all, that's who I'm electing!