Here's what I think about this story: MARINES ATTACKED
IN BERKELEY, CA, City Calls Marines "Unwelcome Intruders"
All the Berkeley City Council members who voted against the Marine Corps Recruiting Station as "uninvited and unwelcome intruders in the city," and also issued a parking space to Code Pink so they can loudly protest in front of the station have lost their marbles. This is very poor, mindless governance at best!
A few points to consider:
1. The next time (or any time) California is hit with an earthquake, forest fire, mudslide, riot or other disaster, the Marine Corps and National Guard need not be called to aid and protect Berkeley residents and businesses from pillaging and looting. A majority of their city council members voted to intimidate the Marines by officially calling them "uninvited and unwelcome intruders in the city." Leave it up the city council members to provide assistance to all their residents, maintain law and order, enforce the curfew and do the clean-up, repair and rebuild all by themselves.
2. By attempting to run the Marines out of town, the city council is effective keeping fellow Americans from obtaining employment of THEIR choice in this FREE country. It's a volunteer military ... for now. Go ahead, run our Marines or any other service off and the city council could be one step close to helping reinstate the draft. If people can’t volunteer to join the military on their own, recruiting goals won’t be met. If volunteer recruiting goals can't be met, ALL our sons and daughter will go to war! Boy oh boy, the Berkeley City Council really thought this through. I think they were wearing rose-colored glasses or was it Pink-Coded ones. J
3. I hope some veterans in California stand up to this crap by standing in that parking space to remind everyone of the selfless sacrifices our troops have made. Remind the citizens of Berkeley that Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Coast Guardsmen and all who served should be honored instead of “unwelcomed.” Saluted not slammed.
4. Be against the war all you want. These actions by the majority of the Berkeley City Council are a disgraceful display of abusive and hateful governance.
God Bless our Troops!
City Calls Marines "Unwelcome Intruders"
January 30, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO - The City of Berkeley, California has passed two resolutions attacking the United States Marine Corps, calling the Marines, "uninvited and unwelcome intruders in the city."
The Berkeley City Council voted to condemn the Marines on Tuesday night (January 29th) as part of a campaign by anti-war activists to shut down a U.S. Marine Recruiting Center located in the city of Berkeley.
The votes by the Berkeley City Council were immediately condemned by Move America Forward (website:, the nation's largest grassroots pro-troop organization.
"It is disgraceful that in the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement, anti-military activists would attempt to silence the same military men and women who serve this country and give their lives to protect the free speech rights of all Americans, including these ungrateful and despicable people on the Berkeley City Council," said Melanie Morgan, Chairman of Move America Forward.
The actions by the Berkeley City Council followed continuous protests by Code Pink and other anti-military organizations that vandalized and defaced the U.S. Marine Recruiting Center in September 2007.
One of the two resolutions passed by the Berkeley City Council last night granted a parking spot in front of the Marine Recruiting Center to be used by anti-military activists to harass Marine recruiters. The anti-military activists would not need to apply for a sound permit for the next six months - allowing them free reign to disrupt the day-to-day operations by the Marines.
Move America Forward organized a counter-protest in support of the Marines last October that attracted over 400 pro-troop supporters who stood in solidarity of the Marine Recruiting Center.
"We have hundreds of thousands of military men and women serving honorably overseas to protect our freedoms. Imagine how they feel when they go to turn on the news and see that they are being stabbed in the back by shameful people here at home, it's disgraceful!" said Catherine Moy, Executive Director of Move America Forward.
February 1, 2008
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